Letters to the Editor
- Giving Managers the Raw Data
Financial Post, Friday, September 30, 1994. David Lipton
As president of Sensors Quality Management Inc., I would like
to respond to Ian Hamilton’s letter (Sept. 23) referring to
comments I made appearing in Randall Scotland’s column, Going
Undercover to Size Up Service (Sept. 21).
Sensors Quality Management Inc. is a Toronto-based company that
evaluates a variety of different operations based on the standards
and criteria which that particular organization has developed. SQM
does not tell a company how to operate the business. SQM merely
informs management as to whether the operation is being run in the
manner which they desire.
Since SQM is not a consulting firm, the information which is supplied
to management (some of which may be obtained by completing and analysis
of the competition), is simply raw data assembled in and understandable
format. As a result, management may choose to use this information
in a variety of different ways.
David Lipton
Sensors Quality Management Inc.
Toronto |