Mystery Shopping
Scoop, Vp;.21, No. 6 July/August 2003
Some of you may have heard of a company called Sensors Quality
Management Inc. The company was formed as a result of businesses
requiring a third party to conduct independent evaluations of their
operations. Hitherto the fields in which this company has offered
its services have been in retail merchandising, restaurants, hotels
and so on.
The company is now searching for individuals who would be interested
in “mystery shopping” aboard planes and trains in return
for half-priced travel. In order to take advantage of the reduced
fares, the inspector must successfully fill out a number of evaluation
forms, generally 8-12 forms, with between 25-50 questions, most
of the ‘yes/no/not applicable’ variety together with
some miscellaneous notes. The questions will deal with the experience
of making reservations, boarding, cleanliness of washrooms, food
and beverage service, etc. Upon completion of the evaluations the
inspector will be reimbursed 50% of the cost of the ticket.
Details of SQM can be found on line at www.sqm.ca where visitors
to the site can read a variety of articles that have appeared in
the Canadian press countrywide. Then, to become eligible as an inspector,
candidates should complete the on-line application form “Becoming
A Mystery Shopper”, after which applicants should e-mail Betty
James at betty@sqm.ca, writing
“Travel Shops” in the subject line.